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Good Morning!


Tufted puffins (nicknamed “Sea Parrot” or “Clown of the Sea”) can reach flying speeds of 55 mph and dive up to 200 ft below the surface! They can grab and carry more than 20 fish at once in their beak.. These incredible creatures should be arriving soon to Clayoquot Sound to nest and we can see them on our tours!

Please take a look at our upcoming tours and have a great day!

TODAY – Saturday, April 15th

9:30 AM Hot Springs 💦 : Space Available
11:00 AM Whale Watching 🐋 Space Available
3:30 PM Whale Watching 🐋 : Space Available
3:30 PM Bear Watching 🐻 : Space Available

TOMORROW – Sunday, April 16th

9:30 AM Hot Springs 💦 : Space Available
11:00 AM Whale Watching 🐋 : Space Available
2:00 PM Whale Watching 🐋 : Space Available
4:30 PM Bear Watching 🐻 : Space Available

